2017: In Every Generation

People are immersed in a state of darkness and cannot break free from the cold that crashes down, but through hard times their longing for the sun’s warmth will set them free.

We are obligated to accept and help those currently fleeing from oppression, just as God liberated us with an open hand from Egypt.

Personal fear and self doubt perpetuate the oppression of the Pharaoh.

We can be reunited with our past in many different ways and it is important to hold onto our heritage.

Young Jews can find identity through past struggles that influenced their life today and allow them to enjoy a better tomorrow.

In this drawing you can see the number 40, the number zero is a matza and around, the triangles make it see as if it were a sun, the meaning i want to give the drawing is that, after passing through the sea will be waiting 40 years ahead, that represents the road sign.
2016: The Four Children

Each of the four children of Passover represent personality traits that a person withholds. Some people internally feel certain traits such as wisdom, yet on the outside portray other qualities like simplicity.

People who are simple on the exterior can actually be rebellious and greatly vicious beneath the surface.

In combination with bright and vibrant colors with dull shades of gray, the portrait shows the strength of friendship and all it can overcome through coming together and putting your own problems aside.

At different moments, I am a different child, but sometimes, I even display characteristics of multiple children at once.

[The] Speechless [child] does not yet have a determined identity and does not know how to express herself.

These are tears of wisdom.

When looking in the mirror, you see your physical attributes, but as you look more closely and expose your emotions, you distinguish the unique characteristics, as well as the various layers that make up your identity.

I am always lost between different aspects of myself. But it’s ok. Different sides make me unique and different from everyone else.